Habitat Restoration
Habitat Restoration
To restore defunct, destructed, and poor habitats, returning the areas natural vegetative communities to support a biodiversity and abundance of wildlife.
Habitat Creation
Habitat Creation
The creation of new habitats including woodland, wetland, grassland, and scrub to improve biodiversity, connectivity and compensate for habitat loss.
Habitat Translocation
Habitat Translocation
The relocating of soils with their vegetation that otherwise would be lost due to a development. Typically associated with habitats of significant nature conservation value.
Wildlife Fencing
Wildlife Fencing
Installation of a variety of wildlife fencing including newt, badger, reptile, and water vole, to control wildlife movement and protect during development and protected species mitigation projects.
Homes for Nature (artificial)
Homes for Nature (artificial)
Installation of artificial features such as bird and bat boxes, dead wood log piles, insect hotels and creation of hibernaculum for amphibians and reptiles.
Ecological Clerk of Work (ECoW)
Ecological Clerk of Work (ECoW)
Ecological and environmental management during the construction phase of a development, ensuring works remain compliant with legislation, planning consent and best practice.